Hidden Manna, A Dream Journey
to Enlightenment is the latest book from Chris Doolin and Daya
Devi-Doolin. Based on a lifelong journey with dreams and spiritual growth we
share our story with the wisdom acquired to help you remember, understand
and work with your dreams to achieve a lasting positive change in your life.
We have a revolutionary approach to working with dreams that involves
concentration, intuition and working like a detective to unravel the
mysterious language of dreams and the unmatched insight they provide into
your inner life.
Click here for more

*!New Release
Available Today!*
A Practical Approach with Humor

A Course in Miracles is
an amazing series of books and teachings
that can transform your life and
help connect you with your divine
Self. Unfortunately, many people find it
daunting at first and
because of that hesitate to get involved. The author
and her husband
had that experience but eventually overcame and went on to
study and
facilitate the Course with others. With Dabney's Handbook on A
Course in Miracles, author Daya Devi-Doolin clarifies some of the
teachings of the Course through humorous cartoons, distilled
teachings and
poetry. If you've ever thought about getting involved
with A Course in
Miracles, or even if you're a twenty year veteran
of the Course, this is a
book for you. Universal truth is at its
heart a simple message and through
Dabney's Handbook on A Course in
Miracles, that message comes shining
through in a fun and loving
way. Recommended for beginners or someone
getting reacquainted with
a Course in Miracles.
One of the qualities of
saints throughout history has been their ability to take the deepest
spiritual truths and manifest them continually in the simple
childlike, joyous living of daily life. As a witness to the life of
Daya Devi-Doolin these past 43 years, I have seen how she embodies
the uncluttered essence of spiritual beauty in such an innocent way.
In "Dabney's Handbook On A Course In Miracles", she presents the
joy, love, forgiveness, happiness and humor of the Spirit in a way
that is appealing, fun, fulfilling and wondrous.
Her straightforward humorous approach belies the deep truths
contained in these pages. But as you read and smile and think, I
cannot help but believe the innocent perception will touch you in a
special way.
Enjoy these pages and see your life in an exciting new way that Daya
Devi-Doolin's delightful Dabney will help you to see.
Christopher P. Doolin, Co-Author of Hidden Manna, Smile America,
Course In Miracles Facilitator
Available at
these sites and others:

Devi-Doolin's book Grow
Thin While You Sleep! is blueprint for overcoming life's
challenges and particularly the perplexing problem that many face in losing
weight. This book tackles the underlying mental-emotional struggles by
helping the reader to tap into the power of Creative Mind. The book goes through
a series of real-world steps that help you get to the root of what is keeping
you stuck from achieving your goal, whatever that might be.
BookViral Review......
"A faith-based and enlightened
approach to overcoming life’s challenges, Grow Thin While You Sleep
proves a powerful catalyst for positive change. Highly accessible, Daya
Devi-Doolin isn’t an author to persuade her readers with undue complexity or
make outlandish claims, but by candidly sharing her own experiences she invites
her readers to take a step back and consider an alternative perspective. It’s
certainly compelling, and whilst you might find similar texts on the subject few
authors inspire on the level that Devi-Doolin does, or more importantly succeed
in making the vital connection between spiritual and bodily wellbeing. In clear
and concise prose her guidance is easy to visualize and follow. Through her own
transformative experiences, both concept and execution are easy to incorporate
in our daily regimes. She includes recipes to compliment her holistic
methodology, but it’s in the cleansing of body and mind that she opens us up to
the possibilities of long-lasting and transformative change in our lives through
influences we might otherwise not recognize or act upon."
"Change your mind, your
body, your life -- it's all wrapped up in this super-spiritual approach to
losing weight (and negativity) from the inside out."
Victoria Moran, HHC, AADP,
VLCE author of Fit from Within, Main Street Vegan, The Love-Powered Diet and Creating a Charmed Life
“Daya Devi-Doolin has done
it again! In her book Grow Thin While You Sleep, she uses her vast knowledge of
the functions of the mind (thought), emotions and spirituality, and gives
practical and effective exercises to assist the seeker in reaching their goals.
Daya speaks with authority, assurance and knowledge. Purity of heart, sincerity
and spirit of joy spring from the pages of this latest book.” Dr.
Nalani CND PhD, author of
7 Steps to Healing and Wellness Health Educator, The Juice Plus Company
You have an ally that's working with you night and day, and it can
be most active on your behalf while you're sleeping.

Devi-Doolin is excited to announce the international release of her
groundbreaking new book, Yoga, Meditation and Spiritual
Growth for the African American Community. Unique in
her background and approach to the ancient science of hatha yoga, Daya
translates these valuable techniques in every day
language for use by everyone who is interested in their own well-being, peace of
mind, and fulfilled living. Targeted but not limited to the African-American
community, Amber Communications Group, Inc.'s imprint Colossus Books has
published this book that will help guide you, the reader, the everyday person,
the person who works, has a family (or not) and wants to stay stress-free,
happy, fulfilled and healthy. This book will lead you, the yoga aspirant and
participant to that place. It has a loving and knowledgeable approach as
if the reader were right in Daya’s Yoga studio at the
Doolin Healing Sanctuary.
The Yoga Asana's within this book will, if you practice, help you
to burn calories, strengthen the body, mind and soul and offer benefits you
cannot even imagine. All you really have to do is KEEP BREATHING!
• The practice of Yoga is loving and limitless.
• Adding yoga to your daily life will bring amazing and positive changes in your
• Yoga will arm you with hope, faith and practical solutions as a healing tool
in your life.
• The practice of Yoga is made effortless and easy through the information in
this book.
• You will benefit greatly by applying these teachings to your daily life!
Available around the world at bookstores and online at these and other links:
Yoga, Meditation and Spiritual Growth - Amazon
Yoga, Meditation and Spiritual Growth - Amazon
Yoga, Meditation and
Spiritual Growth – Barnes and Noble
Yoga, Meditation and
Spiritual Growth, Books A Million

!!! Winner of the 2009 Pinnacle Book
Achievement Award !!!
The Only Way Out Is In: The Secrets of the 14 Realms to
Love, Happiness and Success, written by Daya
Devi-Doolin, is a wonderful reference for raising self-esteem, for changing the
world we see through a change in perception and takes the reader through a step
by step process of Be-ing in the Realm of the 14
different levels of where and what you desire to do, be, and live in. She
provides a wealth of information and recommended bibliography to help make the
process of love, happiness and success much easier to remember to BE in and to
make it a real experience.
The Only Way Out Is In: The Secrets of the 14 Realms to
Love, Happiness and Success! addresses the many Secrets made available to
her for her spiritual growth. She can now assist a larger group of
people to realize their potential of clarity, peace of mind and their
ordained abundance. Drawing on her years of experience in the field of Positive
Thinking, Visualization and Manifesting through the Law of Cause and Effect
and the Law of Vibration, Daya Devi-Doolin has created a useful guide for
ailing hearts, ailing spirits, ailing thoughts to use and to navigate beyond
ego's idea of reality.
Packed with resources for alternative natural
healing, affirmations for a changed perception and simple techniques, this book
is a long awaited gem. The Only Way Out Is In: The Secrets of the 14 Realms to
Love, Happiness and Success! will become a foremost self-help,
motivational and inspirational book in helping to heal the planet through the
gift of changed thoughts. People who have been hoping for a way out of
their mental debris, unfulfilled desires and passions will be able to benefit
from this powerful book.

Vita-Minds" is an amazing, focused work that
can teach the reader self-love. Daya Devi-Doolin has given us the
tools to release ourselves from fears, doubts and self-sabotage, and replace
them with discovery, enlightenment and the self-appreciation we were meant to
Vita-Minds is 204 pages, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", 12 chapters and a giant of a book! The
reader, whether spiritual, religious, metaphysical, married or not, learns to
walk a special path to betterment that leads to self-growth and
self-actualization. Indeed, every page of every chapter is filled with powerful
affirmations of Truth that serve to revitalize our spiritual, mental, emotional
and physical beings.
Drawing on her education, friends, relatives and Ascended Masters, author Daya
Devi-Doolin begins the journey with the adoption of the I AM Presence. She then
road-maps us through Right-Mindedness surrendering negative conditions,
co-creating with God and a unique chapter devoted to a forty day program of
Then, with the writing mastery borne of true belief and heavenly help, Daya
offers salient chapters about release from fear, stopping self-abuse, gratitude
for all we have, awareness of higher powers and development of real intention.
This Ordained Priest of the Melchizedek Order, Certified Usui Reiki Master
Teacher, Rebirther and in this reviewer's opinion, Lightworker,
concludes with her personal conversations with Kwan Yin, Ezekiel and Mother
Daya Devi-Doolin is a very special individual and this milestone book reflects
all of her love, compassion and devotion. Indeed, Super Vita-Minds is a stunning
achievement and a triumph of enablement!"
-Richard Fuller, Senior Editor, Metaphysical Reviews
Super Vita-Minds is
presented in an easy to read format. Readers can quickly go to any section and
locate the main points of each chapter. The blueprints for knowledge, as laid
out, allow the reader to undertake his/her own applications for changing one
perception a day from self-hate to self-love. This perception change will touch
all aspects of each one's life.
This is a book that
addresses the full magnitude and power behind our thought system and its effect
upon our entire lives. It is a true road-map to successfully realizing the
hidden miracles that self-love discloses on the job, career, relationship and
for the planet.
Padaran Publications
to order author signed copies of Super Vita-Minds Directly from the
Productions 1794 N. Acadian Drive
Deltona, FL 32725

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